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montanabarnhay 1965
  • Title: montanabarnhay 1965
montanabarn071208 1980
  • Title: montanabarn071208 1980
Nothfieldsfog111308 9593
  • Title: Nothfieldsfog111308 9593
Midwaypond110108 9621
  • Title: Midwaypond110108 9621
Midwayfrostpasture020209 11422
  • Title: Midwayfrostpasture020209 11422
lakemorainecanoe070908 3261
  • Title: lakemorainecanoe070908 3261
hectorlakeloons070708 2042
  • Title: hectorlakeloons070708 2042
haystacks120108 9709
  • Title: haystacks120108 9709
haysquares120108 9711
  • Title: haysquares120108 9711
haymontana071108 2063
  • Title: haymontana071108 2063
haybails071108 2015
  • Title: haybails071108 2015
haybails071108 2014
  • Title: haybails071108 2014
haybails071108 2011
  • Title: haybails071108 2011
haybails071108 2010
  • Title: haybails071108 2010
haybails071108 2006
  • Title: haybails071108 2006
haybail071108 2075
  • Title: haybail071108 2075
haybail071108 2071
  • Title: haybail071108 2071
hay071108II 3124
  • Title: hay071108II 3124
hay bail071108 3107
  • Title: hay bail071108 3107
barnhayl071108 3111
  • Title: barnhayl071108 3111
3haybails071108 3101
  • Title: 3haybails071108 3101
treefencefog010108 timpwint
  • Title: treefencefog010108 timpwint
torreyhome101207 1182
  • Title: torreyhome101207 1182
spiderweb080807 948
  • Title: spiderweb080807 948
  • Title: pinessnow020208
flag061807 737
  • Title: flag061807 737
crestedbutte080807 961
  • Title: crestedbutte080807 961
crackedsnow093007 1127
  • Title: crackedsnow093007 1127
Beach011908DSC 011092008 01
  • Title: Beach011908DSC 011092008 01
Beach011908DSC 0102112008 0
  • Title: Beach011908DSC 0102112008 0
woodcabin071707 778
  • Title: woodcabin071707 778
torreyresident101207 1185
  • Title: torreyresident101207 1185
torreyhome101207 1183
  • Title: torreyhome101207 1183
teton071707 802
  • Title: teton071707 802
teton071707 787
  • Title: teton071707 787
sundancepondbuilding 100707
  • Title: sundancepondbuilding 100707
spiderweb080807 946
  • Title: spiderweb080807 946
spiderweb080807 945
  • Title: spiderweb080807 945
spiderweb080807 944
  • Title: spiderweb080807 944
spiderweb080807 943
  • Title: spiderweb080807 943

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