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Page of 1 (33 items total)  
Self Portrait Canyonlands 7459
  • Title: Self Portrait Canyonlands 7459
White Baldy self portrait 3477
  • Title: White Baldy self portrait 3477
Grand Canyon Portrait 013115 7022
  • Title: Grand Canyon Portrait 013115 7022
Self Portrait Willie Holdman 033018 8359 1 of 1
  • Title: Self Portrait Willie Holdman 033018...
Willie Self Portrait uintas 2
  • Title: Willie Self Portrait uintas 2
Self Portrait in bubble 062114 4625
  • Title: Self Portrait in bubble 062114 4625
Me taking shower 1060
  • Title: Me taking shower 1060
Series animals
  • Title: Series animals
Price Mustang 050321 5844
  • Title: Price Mustang 050321 5844
Horse Head 051621 8012
  • Title: Horse Head 051621 8012
Two mustangs Side By Side 051621 9597
  • Title: Two mustangs Side By Side 051621 9597
  • Title: Moose112409-2550
Bull Moose 083123 9410 3
  • Title: Bull Moose 083123 9410 3
Price Mustang 050321 5840
  • Title: Price Mustang 050321 5840
Mustang Portrait 051521 7823
  • Title: Mustang Portrait 051521 7823
Wild Horse Portrait 051621 8358
  • Title: Wild Horse Portrait 051621 8358
Mustang Utah Desert 051621 9760
  • Title: Mustang Utah Desert 051621 9760
Mustang Tongue 051621 9585
  • Title: Mustang Tongue 051621 9585
Mustang Resting 051621 9724
  • Title: Mustang Resting 051621 9724
Wild Horses Paint 040320 0830 2
  • Title: Wild Horses Paint 040320 0830 2
Silver Glance Lake Timp 060218 7583 2
  • Title: Silver Glance Lake Timp 060218 7583 2
Me Sawtooth Mountains 082217 6
  • Title: Me Sawtooth Mountains 082217 6
Leaves and Ice Series of 3
  • Title: Leaves and Ice Series of 3
Utah Lake Abstracts series of 3
  • Title: Utah Lake Abstracts series of 3
Horse Eye Portrait 050916 3468
  • Title: Horse Eye Portrait 050916 3468
Horse Eye Portrait 050916 3443
  • Title: Horse Eye Portrait 050916 3443
Rocky Mountain Goat on Timpanogos
  • Title: Rocky Mountain Goat on Timpanogos
Henery Mountain Buck 102715-2worked
  • Title: Henery Mountain Buck 102715-2worked
Big Horn Sheep on Timpanogos Mountain, Utah
  • Title: Big Horn Sheep on Timpanogos...
  • Title: selportraitflaggstaffpeak0006
selfpowell061409 26463
  • Title: selfpowell061409 26463
  • Title: Desolationselfportrait05180
  • Title: 32404

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Page of 1 (33 items total)